Print Design, Typography, Layout
Print Design, Typography, Layout
It's Strawberry Season!
It's Strawberry Season!

Recipes, Facts, and Flavors
"It's Strawberry Season!" is a cookbook I designed and compiled. The book consists of recipes I had gathered over the years that all involve strawberries in some way (even with steak!). I illustrated strawberries, which became the main graphic for the book, and incorporated the drawing into iconography. A page for strawberry facts, cleaning instructions, and a meal key for the book was included. All recipes
Recipes, Facts, and Flavors
"It's Strawberry Season!" is a cookbook I designed and compiled. The book consists of recipes I had gathered over the years that all involve strawberries in some way (even with steak!). I illustrated strawberries, which became the main graphic for the book, and incorporated the drawing into iconography. A page for strawberry facts, cleaning instructions, and a meal key for the book was included. All recipes contained serving size, prep time, cook time, total time, ingredients list, detailed instructions, and even some fun strawberry fact (did you know the average strawberry has 200 seeds?). The book was implemented through InDesign, using master pages, paragraph styles, character styles, margins, padding, and bleeds to organize, compartmentalize, and consistently display information neatly.
Recipes, Facts, and Flavors
"It's Strawberry Season!" is a cookbook I designed and compiled. The book consists of recipes I had gathered over the years that all involve strawberries in some way (even with steak!). I illustrated strawberries, which became the main graphic for the book, and incorporated the drawing into iconography. A page for strawberry facts, cleaning instructions, and a meal key for the book was included.
All recipes contained serving size,
contained serving size, prep time, cook time, total time, ingredients list, detailed instructions, and even some fun strawberry fact (did you know the average strawberry has 200 seeds?). The book was implemented through InDesign, using master pages, paragraph styles, character styles, margins, padding, and bleeds to organize, compartmentalize, and consistently display information neatly.
prep time, cook time, total time, ingredients list, detailed instructions, and even some fun strawberry fact (did you know the average strawberry has 200 seeds?). The book was implemented through InDesign, using master pages, paragraph styles, character styles, margins, padding, and bleeds to organize, compartmentalize, and consistently display information neatly.

Rachel Wesley
Strawberry Cookbook